Learning about acupuncture
October 23, 2020Quantum Physic and Homeopathy
January 12, 2021Homeopathy is a form of Holistic and Energy Medicine found in the 1700s. This is a form of
purely physical and mathematical science, one that belongs to Quantum physics mechanics.
It was developed over 200 years ago by Dr. Hahnemann (1775 – 1843). Homeopathy is based on
the similarity principle; similar things are supposed to be healed by similar things or in other
words, “Like Cures Like”. Samuel Hahnemann was the founder of this theory. He was a great
observer and realized that many illnesses occur without any symptoms. He realized that if there
are no symptoms, then the body’s immune system will not be responding nor starting a healing
process. His brilliant idea stated, “If a stimulus was increased with the same disease inflicting
agents, the immune system would become aware of the disease or illness and jump into action.
Only then can the patient be healed.” According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
Homoeopathy (in Greek – meaning similar illnesses) is now the fastest growing medical field in
the world.
What is significant with this science is that it is safe for infants, children, teens, adults, the
elderly, pregnant women, animals and those with chronic illnesses. It uses medicines derived
from plants, minerals and animal substances. These medicines are highly diluted to prevent any
possible toxic side effects. This medical practice has become the most popular alternative
medicine in the past decade.
First principle of homeopathy: remedies in use ingredients that cause the symptoms you want to
cure. In practice, that means that remedies against fever could for example be made from
belladonna which also causes fever.
Second principle: potentization. Diluting and agitating the ingredients activates their curative
powers and enhances their effect. To do this, the ingredient is dissolved in alcohol or distilled
Homeopathy is a very safe, gentle system of holistic medicine that carefully examines all a
patient’s presenting symptoms or complaints and matches these concerns with an appropriate homeopathic remedy or prescription.
Examples of conditions that homeopathy treats include:
- Immune system
- Digestive disorders
- Headaches; chronic migraine
- Mental and emotional issues (e.g. stress, grief)
- Skin disease, complaints and rejuvenation
- Colds and flu
- Muscular aches and pains
- Sleep problem and disturbances, Insomnia
- Male or female complaints (e.g. prostate conditions, PMS, menopause)
- Eating disorders
- Weight loss
- Women’s issues and pregnancy
- Brain Injuries
- Sight/Vision problems
- Chronic ear or throat infections
- Detoxification
- Low energy level
Homeopathy is used mainly as a complementary treatment. Once you enter for your first visit to
your homeopath, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire regarding your medical history.
During the initial visit, be prepared to identify your health history, lifestyle, nutrition habits and
talk about all your concerns and complaints. You first consultation will take 1.5 to 2.5 hours to
make sure that your health provider is knowledgeable about your individual case and the totality
of the physical and mental state that you are in. You are treated as a unique case and you will be
given a specific homeopathic remedy that was carefully chosen for you.
Bear in mind, that your initial visit is the most important visit that you will have. Our goal is to understand where each problem is coming from, what the best treatment plan will be and ensure that you will have a good response to the remedy.
We treat ANY ACUTE OR CHRONIC health conditions with all-natural homeopathic remedies.
After your initial visit, your homeopath will be ready to give you the best homeopathic remedy
in a few days to a week (this might take a little bit longer if your remedy in coming from
abroad). Once you have received your treatment plan, you will schedule your follow up visit
nearly 3-4 weeks after.
Your treatment plan requires that you book appointments monthly for a period of 4-6 months.
Some might take longer as each body reacts different until the health requirements are met.
It’s been repeatedly reported that The Queen of England relies heavily on alternative medicine to
keep her well during the Corona Virus outbreak. Insiders say that, “Homeopathy runs in the
family with her father George VI relying heavily on alternative medicine.
Royal family uses homeopathic remedy to keep well being since past 50 years.